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u 乐动(中国)安全管理人员应受过相关专业技术培训,具有安全操作和预防措施方面的专业知识。

u 乐动(中国)操作人员应接受乐动(中国)操作、维护培训,熟练掌握乐动(中国)的操作及使用技术。严格按制造厂提供的使用说明书的规定,正确使用和维护机器。

u 乐动(中国)应定期进行检查,以保证乐动(中国)的功能、重要零部件以及安全防护装置处在正常工作状态下。尤其是转鼓、刮刀、布料等部件,每月应不少于一次检查,确认其紧固状态、腐蚀状态、焊接部位、表面防腐涂层是否处于正常状态,并做好检查记录。

u 乐动(中国)应制定小、中、大修周期,并严格执行。

u 操作人员不得野蛮操作(如:超速、超负荷运转乐动(中国);高速旋转过程中用铲子铲物料、超载运行;安全锁销在未锁止或没有全部锁止时即开机;检修时没启用安全禁示措施等)或私自改装(如:拆除振动保护、开盖保护等)。

u 操作人员发现异常情况后,应采取必要的措施(如急停等),确认安全后方可重新启动。

u 在调整、维护(如滤网、滤布等)或排除故障时需采取必要的安全防范措施(检修标识、电源锁定、安全锁销等)。

u 乐动(中国)转鼓、主轴等转动件及其他重要的零部件发生腐蚀、磨损或乐动(中国)振动异常时,应及时更换或修复,不得采用表面补焊等不安全的应急措施。

u 应保证乐动(中国)的完整性,未征求机器制造厂同意前不允许随意拆除、变更零/部件或增减附属装置。


Safe use of centrifuge

Centrifuges belong to dynamic equipment. and the application environment has high risk. Therefore the operation and maintenance of centrifuges must be carried out in accordance with the specifications to ensure the safety of their use.

u Centrifuge safety management personnel should have received relevant professional technical training. And Professional knowledge of safe operation and preventive measures.

u Centrifuge operators should receive centrifuge operation, maintenance training, skilled in centrifuge operation and use of technology. Use and maintain the machine correctly according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

u The centrifuge should be checked regularly to ensure that the function of the centrifuge, important parts and safety protective devices are in normal working condition. Especially the drum, scraper, distributing disk and other components should be inspected not Iess than once a month to confirm its fastening state, corrosion status, welding position, surface anticorrosive coating is in normal condition. and good inspection records should be made.

u Small, medium and heavy repair cycle plans shall be prepared and implemented strictly for the centrifuge.

u Operation personnel shall not operate savagely(E.g., excessive speed, overload operation centrifuge, shovel material during high speed rotation, overload operation;“Safety lock pin is not Iocked or not all of the Iock when opening; maintenance did not enable safety measures, etc.) or selt-refit (for example removing vibration protectionopening cover protection etc.).

u The operators should take necessary measures (such as emergency stop etc.) when they discover the abnormal conditions. Reboot only after confirmation of safety.

u Necessary safety precautions (check mark, power Iock, safety Iock pin etc.) should be taken when adjusting, maintaining (such as filter sereen, filter cloth etc.) or troubleshooting.

u It should be replaced or repaired in time when centrifuge drum, spindle and other important parts of corrosion, wear or centrifuge vibration abnormal. do not use surface repair and other unsafe emergency measures such as welding.

u The integrity of the centrifuge shaII be guaranteed. without the permission of the machine manufacturer to remove it at will, to change the parts/components or to add or subtract accessories.